The project forms are designed to help you plan your project, determine what approvals are needed for safety, and demonstrate that you have obtained the necessary approvals. The table below has links to each of the forms and describes their purpose. Only forms for ISEF 2024 will be accepted. This link has all of the forms in a single file. The full set of ISEF rules is available here.
Forms Required for All Projects
- 1A-Student Checklist and Research Plan Instructions This is a good form to start with. Fill in your information and what you know about the project. Do not fill out line 7 until you have all the required approval signatures. This is the date you start collecting data and must be after all required approvals. The next step is to design your project. The second page of the Student Checklist provides instructions on developing your project plan. As you develop your plan, include sufficient detail that the Adult Sponsor, Qualified Scientist, Parent/Guardian, SRC, and/or IRB will understand what you plan to do, can determine what approvals may be needed, and can certify the proper safety precautions are being followed. Inadequate Research Plans will be returned for revision, which may delay the start of your project.
- 1- Checklist for Adult Sponsor. After completing the Form 1A and Detailed Research Plan, present them to your Adult Sponsor (teacher) for review. Your Adult Sponsor will fill out this checklist to identify any additional approvals that you will need.
- 1B- Approval Form Next, show your Research Plan to your Parent/Guardian for their approval and have them sign off on Approval Form 1B. If your project requires SRC approval, submit your Research Plan and approval forms to the SRC as explained in the Scientific Review Committee section below.
Forms Required for Some Projects
After you have developed your Detailed Research Plan, work with your Adult Sponsor (teacher) to determine what additional forms are needed. Your Adult Sponsor will record on the Checklist for Adult Sponsor which additional forms you will need.
- 1C- Regulated Research Institution If your project is completed at a location other than your school, home, or field, this form must be completed by the Supervising Adult after experimentation. Since many schools are closed this year and students are not able to complete projects at their school, at the college, or other research facility. A student can design their project and have their adult sponsor or other researcher complete the data taking in their school laboratory. If this is done, the adult sponsor or other researcher needs to complete Form 1C to explain what the sponsor or researcher did and what the student did.
- 2 – Qualified Scientist If your project involves human participants, vertebrate animals, potentially hazardous biological agents, or hazardous substances and devices, you may need a Qualified Scientist to approve the project. The Qualified Scientist must have a doctorate degree in the research field. If the Qualified Scientist cannot be present during your experimentation, the scientist can appoint a Designated Supervisor to oversee the project. If you need a qualified scientist, please contact the Regional Fair SRC and we can help you find one.
- 3 – Risk Assessment If your project involves hazardous chemicals, activities, devices, or micro-organisms, you will need to complete the Risk Assessment Form. After it is completed, share it with your Designated Supervisor for approval.
- 4- Human Participant and Sample Informed Consent If your project involves observing, surveying, or testing people (other than yourself or Adult Sponsor), you must complete Form 4. Submit the form to your school’s IRB for approval. If the IRB determines that the project involves more than minimal risk, you will need each participant (and parent, if applicable) to sign an Informed Consent Statement. The school IRB can use the Risk Assessment Guide help determine the level of risk. The IRB consists of 3 members: an educator (not your sponsor), a school administrator (principal or vice-principal), and a medical or mental health professional knowledgeable about physical and psychological risk in the study (frequently this role is filled by a school nurse). Additional information about the IRB is available in the ISEF Rules.
- 5A Vertebrate Animals or 5B Vertebrate Animals (regulated research institution). If your project involves any Vertebrate Animals (mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians), you must complete this form and obtain SRC approval prior to experimentation. The SRC may require Veterinarian and/or Qualified Scientist approval.
- 6A- Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents If your project involves microorganisms, rDNA, human or animal tissue, blood, blood products, or bodily fluids this form must be completed by your Qualified Scientist or Designated Supervisor and approved by the regional SRC before you start experimentation.
- 6B- Human Vertebrate Animal Tissue If your project involves human or animal tissue, blood, blood products, or bodily fluids, you must complete this form and have it approved by your Qualified Scientist or Designated Supervisor before you begin experimentation.
- 7- Continuation Form If your project is related in any way to a project that you submitted to any local science fair in a previous year, you need to complete this form. This form helps judges distinguish between what was done during this year’s competition and what was submitted in previous years. You will only be judged on what was completed this year. In addition to this form, you will need to submit the Detailed Research Plans and Abstracts from previous years.